The 3 Best Shampoo Brands For Dogs

Dogs bring a lot of happiness and joy into our lives. However, let’s admit it, with their playfulness and hyperactivity, dogs have a tendency to accumulate dirt on their fur and may even become smelly at times. As such, we need a good shampoo brand to keep them squeaky clean and smelling fresh longer.

Cute clean Maltese dog after using St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner
Photo by Sarah Chai

The 3 Best Shampoo Brands For Dogs

Here are three of the best shampoo brands that you can buy for your beloved pooch to keep their coat healthy and looking good:

St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner

What makes St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner effective is that it’s formulated with herbal oil extracts. As such, you are assured that your pet is kept clean without being exposed to harmful substances.

St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner
St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner contains the following:

Moringa Oil Extract

This oil is extracted from malunggay (moringa) seeds that are known for their antibiotic properties. As such, St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner can help prevent skin diseases related to bacterial infection in your dog.

Eucalyptus Oil Extract

Eucalyptus oil is known for its cooling properties. But did you know that it also works in killing parasites and insects? Eucalyptus oil can eradicate and prevent the recurrence of mites, ticks, and fleas.

Oatmeal Oil Extract

Oatmeal oil extract is best for absorbing odors in your dog’s fur and preventing it from coming back in as long as 14 days.

Aloe Vera Oil Extract

Similar to its effect on humans, aloe vera oil is proven to moisturize the skin and promote healthy hair growth.

Aside from the regular St. Roche Shampoo and Conditioner, St. Roche also has a dry shampoo variant for instant cleansing and deodorizing. You may also want to try the St. Roche Detangling and Dematting Spray to make your dog’s coat soft, silky, and healthy.

Madre de Cacao Organic Dog Shampoo with Conditioner

Madre de Cacao Organic Dog Shampoo with Conditioner

Madre de Cacao Organic Dog Shampoo with Conditioner is made of natural extracts from made de cacao leaves. This organic shampoo is effective against mange, ticks, and fleas. It also protects your dog against skin infections and keeps their fur silky.

Forcans Long Coat Shampoo

Forcans Long Coat Shampoo

Forcans Long Coat Shampoo detangles dog’s fur and keeps it soft and shiny. It is formulated with aloe vera and other gentle cleansers so that you are assured that your dog is given the best care that they deserve.

Those are our three best dog shampoo brands. What do you like to use for your dogs? Feel free to add more to this list by writing them down in the comment section below.

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